Services for Parents

School Admission and Appeals

Specialists in Appeals


Applying for a admission to a school, whether for Reception age, transferring to secondary school or applying for ‘In Year Admission’ can be a stressful experience. Not getting a place at your preferred school can be even more stressful. Many parents, on hearing that their child has not been offered a place at their preferred school are distraught and do not recognise that good advice and guidance is needed in order to lodge a successful appeal. Firstly by providing a written case and then secondly, presenting their case at the Appeal Hearing in front of an independent Panel.

Although many Admissions Authorities will claim that this is a process that an ‘ordinary’ parent should be able to do, don’t be fooled. The Admission Authority will have an expert Presenter, presenting their case, who will know all the technical ‘ins and outs’. To maximise your chances of success, School Admission and Appeals Service offers three distinct services.

1. OPTION ONE  -  Telephone support and assistance

We provide general guidance and support by telephone, while you

prepare your own documentation and represent yourself at the Appeal


2. OPTION TWO - Telephone support,

                           AND preparation of appeals documentation

We will work with you to prepare the relevant documents to maximise your chances of winning an Appeal. This involves research and correspondence with the school, researching the weak points of the school’s case as well as identifying the strong points of your case and presenting these in a clear concise document that you can present as your case. In this option we provide the general guidance and support, as in option one, and in addition we prepare the appeals documentation for you to submit. You present the case at the Appeals Hearing.

3. OPTION THREE - Telephone support,

                               AND preparation of appeals documentation

                               AND representation at the Appeals Hearing

As well as providing telephone support and assistance, and preparing clear, concise and persuasive Appeals documentation as in option two, we will also represent you at the Appeals Hearing in front of the three independent Panel members and their Clerk. We will question the schools case for refusing admission and highlight why the school could take your child, without causing prejudice to the provision of an efficient education and/or the effective use of resources. We will present your case at the Appeal Hearing, highlighting why your case outbalances the case of the school. We will handle the questioning by the Admission Authority and the Independent Panel members.


Please contact us on to discuss pricing. 


  • Experienced consultants;
  • Expertise on the process and procedure;
  • Hand holding and guidance all the way through the process;
  • Choose the level of support you need;
  • Competitively priced.  

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